Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Heart for This Trip

Okay, so I've kinda failed at updating this thing, but I wanted to send a quick shout out and talk about why I'm excited about this trip.

When I was first looking through the GE website, I was super excited to see Australia, because, well, I've always wanted to go there (I mean, who wouldn't?! It's Australia!) and so I was like, yeah, Australia, how awesome! And so I'll be totally honest, that was my first response.

But then I was reading through, and God was definitely meeting me there. Australia is such a lost country, but what really grabbed me was the fact that the entire trip is geared toward young adults. Many of you probably know that for a long time I've had a huge heart for kids who come from a troubled past--things like addiction and abuse and whatever else. My dream is to someday run a ranch for kids like that, who've gotten into trouble or whatever.

So with this trip being based toward young adults who are lost, I just think it's a great way to gain experience for what I hope to someday be doing with my life, God willing. The trip is geared toward the age range that I hope to someday be working with.

And on some level, I guess part of me isn't entirely sure why I'm going, and maybe I won't know until I get there, maybe I won't know til after. I just know, without a doubt, that this is where God is calling me to be next summer. I know that He has a plan, and that He has a reason for me to be in Australia, and I'm really, really excited to find out what it is. So, there's the word.

Keep praying, guys. I'll get a true update here in a couple of minutes, but thanks so much for reading and being willing to go on this journey with me.

In Christ,
Erika Rose <3

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