Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How To Help Out

Okay, so I had people ask me how you can help out. The biggest thing is prayer. Be praying, for the funds, for me, for everything.

Second, obviously, is money. (I suck at fundraising because I hate asking people for money, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. lol.) If you're in Wibaux, you can either write me a check (In which case it won't be tax deductible) and I can send the check in to Global Expeditions. Or you can donate online, which is probably the easiest and will also be tax deductible. If you go to "globalexpeditions.com" and click on "Donate" a page comes up and the first thing on it is "Support a Missionary." Hit that, and it will open up into a new tab or window, where you're then prompted to "search for a missionary" put in my first and last name (Erika Scammon, of course) and you'll have to put in my home phone number which is (406)796-2310. I didn't go past that, but I would guess it'll walk you through it and be pretty self explanatory. (If not, let me know and I'll try and get bitter instructions. lol) You might also be able to just send a check to teen mania, but I'll have to look into that because I think it's a little more complicated and requires forms and suchness or something, but if you really want to mail a check in, let me know and I'll get back to you. :)

Thanks so much in advance for all your prayers and support. You guys rock.
Erika Rose <3

The Update

So, here's the promised update, and here's what's goin' down.

Basically, I need to have $300 dollars in by the end of this week. Well, I have $50, so I need $250, so that's what I'm praying really hard about.

I also need to get going on making the calendar that was going to be part of my fundraiser. I was supposed to have that up last week and didn't get it done. (Oops....) And I guess...really, that's all. Things are pretty uneventful right now. After break gets done and I sort of get back to a set schedule, I'm really hoping to be able to get going on some of my bigger fundraising ideas and what have you.

So yeah, I guess it's pretty boring, but there it is.

For those of you who are praying, I just ask that you would continue to do so. Pray that God supplies the funds I need, obviously, but pray, too, that He keeps my heart on track and my motives pure. I'm a little worried about getting lost in the fact that "WOW, I'm going to Australia, how cool is that?!" and losing the mission that God has called me to, the fact that I am going here not so much because I want to, but because God wants me to.

So yeah, that's what's on my heart right now friends. I'll try and update more regularly now.

God bless you guys,
Erika Rose <3

My Heart for This Trip

Okay, so I've kinda failed at updating this thing, but I wanted to send a quick shout out and talk about why I'm excited about this trip.

When I was first looking through the GE website, I was super excited to see Australia, because, well, I've always wanted to go there (I mean, who wouldn't?! It's Australia!) and so I was like, yeah, Australia, how awesome! And so I'll be totally honest, that was my first response.

But then I was reading through, and God was definitely meeting me there. Australia is such a lost country, but what really grabbed me was the fact that the entire trip is geared toward young adults. Many of you probably know that for a long time I've had a huge heart for kids who come from a troubled past--things like addiction and abuse and whatever else. My dream is to someday run a ranch for kids like that, who've gotten into trouble or whatever.

So with this trip being based toward young adults who are lost, I just think it's a great way to gain experience for what I hope to someday be doing with my life, God willing. The trip is geared toward the age range that I hope to someday be working with.

And on some level, I guess part of me isn't entirely sure why I'm going, and maybe I won't know until I get there, maybe I won't know til after. I just know, without a doubt, that this is where God is calling me to be next summer. I know that He has a plan, and that He has a reason for me to be in Australia, and I'm really, really excited to find out what it is. So, there's the word.

Keep praying, guys. I'll get a true update here in a couple of minutes, but thanks so much for reading and being willing to go on this journey with me.

In Christ,
Erika Rose <3

Friday, December 9, 2011

Wow. Can't Believe this is Happening

Wow. This is crazy. I can't believe this is really happening. I'm kind of breathless with excitement. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and now it's finally happening. I've been excited, but I got on the website today and started researching things to be doing for fundraising and all the stuff I'm going to need and let me tell you: WOW. That's all I have to say. This whole thing is crazy and I'm so excited. I can't wait to see what God is going to do.

The plan is to start raising support over the next couple weeks. I'm waiting for my support packet from Global Expeditions to get here, because I think that will have my ID number and whatnot so I can keep track of all my fundraising and whatever, but I'm working on ideas and trying to get stuff together so I'm ready.

I'm a little overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done. It seems like a LOT a lot, but that's why I'm starting now. I mean, I have six months, and I know that is more than enough time for God to provide everything I need and more. I'm a little nervous about the money. I have to raise almost $3,500, which just seems like a HUGE number to me, but I'm trying not to freak out, because, like I said, I know that God will provide. He's called me, and He'll provide a way for me to get there.

I guess I just wanted to post a little rambling opening blog even though nobody has the address yet. I figured this would be a good way for people to keep updated on what's going on and what I'm doing.

I'm so excited to go on this trip, guys. And I mean that I'm excited about EVERYTHING about it. I think that I'm as excited to get fundraising as I am to actually get on the field, because I know that I'm going to see God provide in awesome ways and get connected with so many people and it's just going to be an awesome experience. I'll get a blog up soon with all the details of the trip, ways you can donate if you feel led, and my heart for missions, the why's of why I cant to go on this trip.

So until then, God bless you guys. Thank you so much for reading.

Erika Rose <3